Motor Neurone Disease Association | NfP 365


The Motor Neurone Disease Association (MND Association) improves volunteer engagement and care services delivery with NfP 365. Having become reliant on legacy systems which were unable to meet its growing needs as the charity evolved, the Association selected the m-hance solution to meet its increasing requirements.

Customer Background

  • The MND Association is the only national charity in England, Wales and Northern Ireland focused on MND care, research and campaigning.
  • The MND Association has a network of more than 7,000 volunteers, all dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by MND, now and in the future.
  • Its legacy systems were unable to meet the charity’s evolving needs and so the Association initiated a tender process to find the right solution for its requirements.


The Solution

  • NfP 365 is built on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement and tailored specifically to the charity sector. The MND Association’s chosen solution is based on the m-hance NfP 365 Help and Advice and Volunteering modules, along with a Volunteer web portal.


Customer Success

  • The solution has helped to streamline processes and speed up service delivery while offering a single view of the interaction with the people the Association supports, providing the means to evaluate the extent and impact of its services.
  • The NfP 365 Volunteering functionality helps the Association to support a nationwide network of 89 local branches and groups along with recruiting and managing individual volunteers.
  • The volunteers have access to an online self-service web portal, delivered through the Dynamics 365 Portal component.
  • For volunteers who deliver care services to people with MND, the portal allows them to have secure access to information about the people they help and to record their activities. This in turn provides improved and consistent support and supervision of volunteers for Association staff.
  • As a result, the Association has improved engagement with volunteers by sharing information and delivering a streamlined experience, increased the effectiveness of
    volunteer management while reducing the amount of administration.

“The portal has improved volunteer engagement, and the system’s flexibility means it is able to support our ongoing investment in volunteering.” - Simon Cooper, Head of ICT, MND Association.

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