How can charities improve efficiency and retain volunteers? – on-demand webinar


Volunteers are the lifeblood of any charity; consequently, attracting and recruiting a team of people who are advocates of a specific cause is critical to its success. Whilst this can be a challenge for many charities, technology can provide a solution on how to effectively attract and retain more volunteers. This 30-minute on-demand webinar will take focus on “How can charities improve efficiency and retain volunteers?”, showcased by our m-hance specialists Tory Cassie and Adrian Cole. The on-demand webinar will consist of five key areas:-

  1. Attracting Volunteers:
    – What attracts volunteers to your charity?
    – What opportunities there are to help and support your charity in non-financial means?
    – What work experience do volunteers have?
  2. Application and Onboarding
    – Volunteer portal for applications
    – Induction process
  3. Utilisation
    – Availability and scheduling
    – Time recording and expenses
  4. Investing in volunteers
    – Opportunities to learn more
  5. Retention
    – Thanking volunteers
    – Making sure new volunteers are incorporated as a core part of the team

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